Bug Hunting

OWASP Top 10: 03 Injection

Injection vulnerabilities are a type of security vulnerability that can occur when untrusted data is passed into an application, typically through web forms or URLs. These vulnerabilities can allow an attacker to execute malicious code on a system, st…

OWASP Top 10: 02 Cryptographic Failures

Cryptographic failures are vulnerabilities that can occur when encryption and decryption are not implemented correctly . Cryptography is the practice of using codes and ciphers to protect sensitive data, and failures in this process can result in data…

OWASP Top 10: 01 Broken Access Control

Broken Access Control vulnerabilities are a serious concern in web applications. They occur when access controls are not properly implemented, allowing unauthorized users to access sensitive resources. In this blog, we will provide an example of a Br…

The Basics of Bug Bounty Hunting: An Introduction

Bug bounty hunting can be the ideal pastime for you if you have an interest in cybersecurity and enjoy puzzle-solving. Finding flaws or "bugs" in websites, programs, and other software systems, and then reporting them to the corporation or …

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