OWASP Top 10: 01 Broken Access Control

Broken Access Control vulnerabilities are a serious concern in web applications. They occur when access controls are not properly implemented, allowing unauthorized users to access sensitive resources. In this blog, we will provide an example of a Broken Access Control vulnerability and discuss how it can be prevented.

Let's consider a hypothetical online shopping website that allows users to view their order history. When a user logs in, the website displays their order history on the screen. However, the website's developers forgot to implement proper access controls. As a result, any user who knows the URL of another user's order history can simply enter it into their browser and access that user's order history.

This is an example of a Broken Access Control vulnerability, as unauthorized users are able to access sensitive resources that they should not have access to. The consequences of such vulnerabilities can be severe, as they can lead to data breaches and other security incidents.

To prevent Broken Access Control vulnerabilities, developers should implement proper authentication and authorization mechanisms. In our example, the website's developers should have implemented access controls to ensure that users can only access their own order history. This can be achieved by checking the user's ID or username and ensuring that they match the ID or username associated with the order history.

In addition to implementing proper access controls, developers should also regularly test their web applications for vulnerabilities. This can involve conducting vulnerability assessments or engaging in bug bounty programs to identify and address any potential security issues.

In conclusion, Broken Access Control vulnerabilities are a serious threat to the security of web applications. Developers must implement proper access controls and regularly test their applications to prevent these vulnerabilities and ensure that users' sensitive data remains secure. By taking these steps, we can defend against Broken Access Control and other security threats in the ever-evolving landscape of web application security.

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